Fouzia Ahmed
Dental Hygienist & Dental therapist
GDC No. 205997
Fouzia graduated as a Dentist from Oxford Dental College, Bangalore, India. Since her graduation in 2003, Fouzia has worked in the field of Dentistry. Since 2009, she has been part of the Dental Nursing team at Meadowbank Dental Practice.
In May 2020 (during lockdown), Fouzia gained her registration with the GDC as a Dental Hygienist/Therapist.
Since her university days, periodontology has always been her subject of interest as she likes to motivate patients to better gum health. she is excited to be able to do more of that in her new role as a Dental Hygienist/Therapist.
In her free time, Fouzia enjoys playing board games with her family and like to go on nature walks and read books.