First Orthodontic Visit

What is orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment usually involves wearing braces (clear aligners, removable or fixed), maybe the extraction of teeth, and occasionally jaw surgery.

What will you expect at your first orthodontic visit?

We can’t wait to welcome you to our office! Upon your arrival at Sunrise Dental Clinic, please notify our receptionist. Our doctors will conduct a thorough orthodontic examination and explain all aspects of treatment with the patient and their family.

The Purpose Of The Initial Examination Is To Answer These Questions:

  • What sort of problem is present, if any?
  • When is the proper time to begin treatment?
  • What type of treatment is indicated?
  • How long will treatment take?
  • How much will the treatment cost?

What’s Next?

If orthodontic treatment is needed, an appointment for Diagnostic Records is scheduled. If time allows, these diagnostic records can be taken at the initial visit.

What Are Diagnostic Records?

  • Photographs.
  • Three-dimensional scan to make digital study models of your teeth.
  • Panoramic and cephalogram radiographs (x_rays) and tracings.
  • Doctors study the diagnostic records and determine the best course of treatment.

What will happen next?

There are likely to be four possible outcomes, each of which our team will explain to you in plain and simple language. These include:

  • You are not yet ready for treatment; you may need to see our team again when you are older.
  • Your dental health is not good enough; this may be due to poor toothbrushing or decayed teeth. Your clinician may send you to see your dentist or hygienist.
  • You do not need treatment because the position of your teeth is perfectly acceptable or expected to be.
  • You are ready for treatment.

What happens if I am ready to start treatment?

Sometimes, our team might provide you with some information about the potential cost of the possible treatment plan(s). However, in most situations, our team may need to analyse your records and then meet you, in person or virtually, at another time, to:

  • Discuss the options for treatment and which is the best for you.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of treatment.
  • Discuss the length of time the treatment will take.
  • Discuss the commitment needed on your part if treatment is to be successful.
  • Discuss the exact timing and steps to start your treatment.
  • Discuss the exact timing and steps to start your treatment.

At this point, you will be given a chance to ask any questions. If you would like to go ahead with the treatment, our team will ask you to revisit us, sign the written consent and proceed with the suggested treatment plans.

When will treatment start?

This will depend on:

  • The number of your adult teeth that have come through; many treatments are best left until the adult teeth have replaced the baby teeth.
  • Problems with tooth brushing or tooth decay may have to be dealt with before commencing orthodontic treatment.
  • The degree of urgency for your case, for example, certain types of bite are best treated while you are growing fast and would be given priority. Other types of treatment may need to be delayed until the growth of the face has almost stopped.
  • Your understanding and approval for the suggested treatment plan and its cost

Our team will explain the exact timing and steps to start your treatment.

What Is The Cost Of The Treatment?

The cost of treatment depends upon the severity of the patient’s problem. We send the treatment estimate along with the treatment plan via email. If you are happy with the estimate/ plan, then you can contact us to book an appointment to start the orthodontic/ dental treatment journey. However, our treatment coordinator usually phones you to offer help, if needed, in terms of fees and payment options.
We have different finance plans to suit your budget. We work hard to make orthodontics affordable. It is our goal to help any patient who comes to us perfect their smile.

What Does My Investment Include?

Your investment includes:

  • Orthodontic records, which consist of x-rays, photgraphs and study models, to determine your treatment objectives.
  • Active treatment fee for the braces or the clear aligners therapy (Invisalign or SPARK) including all appliances, clinic visits, and any agreed procedures performed in the clinic. Appliances are durable and should last through the entire treatment period if the patient follows instructions. If appliances require replacement due to loss, breakage, misuse, or failure to eliminate foods that cause damage, we reserve the right to charge an additional replacement fee.
  • One set of final retainers, if needed, ) is provided upon completion of treatment. There is a replacement fee for each additional retainer that is lost or broken.

What Doesn’t My Investment Include?

Work performed at other dental clinics outside our clinic.
If an accident or injury occurs during treatment that results in TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular-Joint, or your jaw) complications, additional orthodontics, orthognathic surgery, etc, a fee adjustment may be required to complete treatment under these unusual circumstances.
Assignment Of Benefits
You can apply for benefits for most insurance plans. By doing this, the family’s out-of-pocket expense is substantially lower. We will be happy to file claims so that the insured can be reimbursed directly.

Who will carry out the treatment?

Our team often carry out the treatment personally, although another member of staff may be involved in treating you.

Our Clinic Hours

It is our goal to see you, on time, for your appointment. Time is scheduled to complete the necessary procedure, give information about the treatment, and answer any questions you may have. In order for us to maintain a schedule that runs in a timely manner, we request that patients arrive on time to avoid delays, as the day progresses. Your cooperation and consideration with appointments are greatly appreciated by our office and the patients that are seen after your appointment.

Why have I been referred to Sunrise Dental?

If you have been referred to us by your dentist, your dentist would like specialist advice from our team about the position of your teeth. Our team will advise whether you would benefit from orthodontic treatment.

If you have any further questions that you feel you would like to ask, please write them down and bring them to your appointment. It is crucial that you fully understand what is involved in orthodontic treatment before deciding to go ahead.


Orthodontics with Dr Mo

If you’re looking for an orthodontist near me in Edinburgh, our specialist Orthodontist, Dr Mo Almuzian, has 20 years of experience. Dr Mo is passionate about basing his treatments on producing a healthy foundation with functional aesthetic orthodontic outcomes. All suggested treatment plans are based upon researched evidence and customised according to the difficulty and aesthetic result required.

Every member of your family will be comfortable
in our state-of-the-art facility.