Early treatment

Our Specialist Orthodontist (Dr Mo Almuzian) is a member of British Orthodontic Society and American Association of Orthodontists, both recommend that young children have their first orthodontic evaluation around age 7-9. Dr Mo usually doesn’t recommend treatment until the child has all of his or her adult teeth (around age 12), but in some instances, early treatment can have a positive impact like:
- Harmonizing the width of the dental arches.
- Improving tooth eruption patterns.
- Lowering the risk of trauma to protruded upper incisors.
- Correcting harmful oral habits.
- Improving aesthetics.
- Reducing the likelihood of impacted permanent teeth.
- Preserving or gain space for erupting permanent teeth.
We recognise that every patient is unique requiring individualised care and customised treatment plan to meet specific needs and lifestyle. We offer a full range of braces, aligners and other orthodontic appliances to choose from, and we will help you determine which type is most suitable for you. To learn more about the benefits of orthodontic treatment, please visit the British Orthodontic Society (BOS) website and explore all needs before embarking on your teeth straightening journey.
Does early treatment benefit all children?
Early treatment does not necessarily benefit all children. Certain types of orthodontic problems can be more easily and efficiently corrected in the teen years when all the permanent teeth have erupted. Some skeletal orthodontic problems should not be addressed until growth is more advanced or completed. The doctors develop a plan for treatment based on each individual child’s needs. If the doctor decides the patient is not ready for treatment, they are placed on our orthodontic supervisory program. But, it’s still essential that a child is at least evaluated around age 7.
What is the Orthodontic Supervisory Program?
The orthodontic supervisory program is for patients who are not ready for treatment and have been placed on recall. This program enables us to monitor the eruptive pattern of permanent teeth. Sometimes, poor erupted patterns of permanent teeth may be eliminated with early removal of baby teeth and reduce the treatment time required for braces. We will notify your general dentist of any recommendations made during your visit. We normally see the patients on recall every 6-8 months to observe their progress as they grow. There is no fee for this program and it helps the orthodontist determine the optimum time to begin treatment and achieve the best possible result for your child.
What Are The Other Benefits Of Orthodontic Treatment?
In addition to a beautiful new smile, clear aligners and braces can improve the function of the bite and teeth, improve the ability to clean the teeth, prevent wear on the teeth, and increase the longevity of natural teeth over a lifetime.
If a child has treatment early, will this prevent the need for braces as an adolescent?
Early treatment can begin the correction of significant problems, prevent more severe problems from developing, and simplify future treatment. Because all of the permanent teeth have not yet erupted when early treatment is performed, their final alignment may not have been corrected. Typically, a shortened comprehensive phase of treatment (Phase II – full braces) in the teen years, after all the permanent teeth have erupted, completes the correction. However, in some circumstances, further orthodontic treatment may not be indicated.
Do We Still Need To See Our General Dentist During Orthodontic Treatment?
Patients with braces and other orthodontic appliances require more effort to keep their teeth and gums clean. Because we want to ensure the highest level of dental health, we recommend you see your general dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings every 6 months during treatment.
Schedule An Appointment Now!
Call our office for an initial FREE examination, and we will be able to determine the best time for the treatment and outline: the treatment plan, the treatment duration expected, and the approximate cost for the treatment.
Orthodontics with Dr Mo
If you’re looking for an orthodontist near me in Edinburgh, our specialist Orthodontist, Dr Mo Almuzian, has 20 years of experience. Dr Mo is passionate about basing his treatments on producing a healthy foundation with functional aesthetic orthodontic outcomes. All suggested treatment plans are based upon researched evidence and customised according to the difficulty and aesthetic result required.